Locke & Key Review

Locke & Key, Vol. 6: Alpha & Omega - Joe Hill, Gabriel Rodríguez

What?! Just...did that just happen? I'm so very sad this series is over! But, holy cow and the rest of the farm! For a moment at the end I was so very mad with Joe Hill, but he came through for me in the end. I wanted to pace myself because it was the last Volume in the series, but I ended up finishing it in one sitting. I needed to know! At the end of it all I just couldn't believe it. From start to finish it was a wonderful series and Locke and Key is probably one of my favorite graphic novels out there.  It took me a year to read the whole series, and it was a whirlwind experience.  I cannot recommend this man's work enough to people.  Now there are no more keys and crazy possessed teenagers. Joe Hill didn't disappoint me and I cannot wait to get my hand on more books by this wonderfully twisted man.