The Lost Word Review

The Lost World -  Arthur Conan Doyle

The Sherlock Holmes stories are hands down my favorite.  I re-read them all of the time, especially if I found myself in a reading slump.  The reasons for this are many, but I mentioned it because I have never read any other works by Arthur Conan Doyle.  This year I made a goal to fix that small problem.  The Lost World was the first book I wanted dive into.  It is the reason we have the Jurassic Park movies, and is the one I've heard the most about.  So it felt like a good place to start.


Lost World didn't disappoint me.  I liked that the entire story, except the beginning and end, are told in letter form.  Our main characters, Malone is writing about his adventure to his newspaper office.  I really did enjoy Malone as out main character.  Through his letters I felt like I got to share in the adventure with him, and not just be told about it.  Many times I felt myself afraid for the characters and slightly worried about their fates on this wonderful adventure.  


I felt like the story was paced very well and the description of this lost world were wonderful.  Malone never writes about what he calls the boring parts, only about what will capture the readers attention in the article.  Which in turn captured the attention of this reader.  


Toward the end my heart hurt for Malone and the outcome of certain things.  I was sad to see the pages left to read get smaller.  I wanted more adventures, more dinosaurs.  Maybe not more Challenger.  He honestly was the downside of the book for me, but I kind of think that was the point.  I wasn't suppose to like him. 


I've already put the bind up of the rest of the Challenger series on my Amazon Wishlist, because Lost World left me wanting more.  If you love dinosaurs, Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, or just Victorian literature, I cannot recommend this book hard enough.