September Wrap-Up
This month it was all about getting out of my reading slump. It wasn't a lack of reading material, but a lack of a want and the attention span. August was a stressful month both with work and outside. Which left me exhausted most days. Plus my roommate was back from her summer job, and we were hanging out since we really hadn't seen much of one another in about 3 months. I found myself picking up a lot of graphics novels, most of which were on my TBR list. They pulled me out of my reading slump and lead me to two pretty awesome books. All and all it was a pretty good month for me and October is shaping up to pretty awesome. I have a lot of spooky and weird books ready for the month!
Books Read: 7
Number of Pages: 1315
2015 Reading Challenge: 29 out of 45 books
Series Finished: None
Series Started: 1 - A Dirty Job, Grim Reaper #1
BINGO Squares: 1 - A Dirty Job, A Book I Own
DNF: 1 - Vengeance Road