Clean Slate Read-A-Thon Day 5
Another slow reading day with work, but today I'm off and plan on busting farther into Illuminae. I fell asleep reading it last night that's how addicting this book. I also realized my days were off on my posts so I was forced to pause and do some blog editing. This is why I should proof read things and not get trigger happy with the post button.
Now today isn't just an update. Oh no! Today is a mini challenge brought to us by Latte Nights Reviews, and it is Book Cover Hunt. Some of them I knew right off the bat, other's I had to dig for just a bit.
The Challenge:
I was given 12 small chunks of book covers that will be released this year, and I was to find the title of each one. Since I work the next two days and it's the weekend I knew had this afternoon to get it down. Now I've edited this realizing I shouldn't have posted the covers or the answers just in case someone hasn't solved it. I don't want to ruin it!! It took me 2 hours, with a break for laundry and finally managed to find the three that were alluding me. BOOM! It was fun and the cats enjoyed watching yell, WHAT ARE YOU?!, at the computer screen.
Sunday, January 10
Reading: Between work and a need to re-watch Pysch I got nothing read today.
Pages Read: 0
Books completed today: N/A
Monday, January 11
Reading: See Sunday, same excuse. :(
Pages Read: 0
Books completed today: N/A
Tuesday, January 12
Reading: Princess Decomposia and Count Spatula
Pages Read: 172
Books completed today: 1
Wednesday, January 13
Reading: Rocket Raccoon, Chasing Tale, Rasputin, the Road to the Winter Palace, and Illuminae
Pages Read: 320
Books completed today: 2 and 20 pages into Illuminae
Thursday, January 14
Reading: Illuminae
Pages Read: 100
Books completed today: N/A
Friday, January 15
Reading: Immuniae
Pages Read:
Books completed today: