Clean Slate Read-A-Thon Wrap-up


Princess Decomposia and Count Spatula - Andi WatsonRocket Raccoon Volume 1: A Chasing Tale - Skottie YoungRasputin Volume 1 (Rasputin Tp) - Alex Grecian,Riley RossmoIlluminae - Jay Kristoff,Amie Kaufman


Clean Slate is over, and it was a pretty awesome eight days of reading.  I was able to get a few things off my TBR list and nearly finish on of my most anticipated books of 2015.  So how did I do?  Not to shabby, if I do say so myself.  Don't take my word for it though. Let me throw up the final count of what I read during the Read-A-Thon.


Books Read: Princess Decomposia & Count Spatula

                       Rocket Raccoon Volume 1: A Chasing Tale

                      Rasputin Volume 1: The Road to the Winter Castle


Books Unfinished: Illuminae - 66% done


Pages Read: 872 out of 1071


I'm hoping with my afternoon off that I will be able to finish Illuminae, I'm only about 200 pages away from the end.  My back-to-back work schedule on Mondays and Tuesdays make it hard to read with getting in late and up early.  Still, I'm hoping that I can keep pace with my reading for the rest of the year that I've kept with both Clean Slate and Bout of Books.  Both were great fun and I'd love to participate in both again.  I might just make a dent in my TBR pile this year after all.