Rock Paper Books Re-Imagines the Classics

Even though we all know we shouldn't, we always judge books by their covers.  Me personally, sometimes I'll pick one up because of a wonderful cover.  Sometimes I'll pick up a fantasy novel because of the rad 80s cover that looks like it should be on the side of a surfer van.  Which is kind of what Rock Paper Books is doing.  Only with the classics.  They have teamed up with 30 artists to update the covers to make them a little more appealing.  The covers are gorgeous and I'm pledging just a little bit to help these guys out.  I might even have to cruise on over to their website Rock Paper Book's Classics.




I'm really excited about their project, and I've sort of blown up my social media with it lately.  It felt right to spread the news here as well.  I also wanted to show off the first collection of the Classics they produced. A few of the covers will have to join my classic shelf soon. Now if I can just find a way to get a hold of their Shakespeare collection.  I have fallen in love with their Hamlet cover.