March Wrap Up
Another month has come and gone, and to be honest I'm surprised I got this many books in. It may not seem like a lot compared to some of the other wrap ups going on, but considering the last few weeks. I'm pretty surprised at myself. My job got a little crazy when everything tried to explode at once, then all we all started passing around a head cold at work, and out of no where vacation time! Which I got no reading done because there is always something for me to do around my parent's place. So the fact I managed to read four books is more than I figured I'd have a chance to read.
Books Read: 4
Pages Read: 754 pages
Series Started: Hercule Poirot
Favorite Book: Delilah Dirk and the King's Shilling
Least Favorite Book: Queen of Thieves
BINGO Books: 4
My reading slump for the last two months has definitely been busted! I have a lot of good books lined up for this month, and the weather is getting warmer. Which means I've been able to nest on our patio to read. Away from my TV and other distractions. So, how was everyone else's month? Read anything awesome?