So I'm expanding.

May was a pretty slim reading month for me.  I picked up books this last month, started them, put them down, and just never finished them.  It was also a pretty busy month as well.  My sister was getting ready to be gone with work for three months.  So I was helping her get ready for that and enjoying our last few weekends together. Basically I sort of embraced the reading slump.  Went on a few adventures with my sister before she leaves for the summer and enjoyed the really nice weather we've been having.


I also finally decided I was going to activate my Blogger account.  I'm not leaving Booklikes completely!  I will still be posting my reviews here, but a majority of everything else will be on my Blogger account, Bookish Whispers.


I cannot thank everyone enough for welcoming me into this community and making feel nothing but welcome.  It's honestly because of the laid back nature that I finally decided to branch out and get a blog of my own.  One that gives me a bit more freedom with how everything looks and is set up.  It's all really new and I'm trying to figure out how the reviews themselves are going to look.


But, I have time for that since I'm still in the middle of a book I'm finally actually not in the mood to put down. So this isn't actually good-bye.  I'll still be around with reviews and what not.  I'll still be checking my Dashboard from time-to-time.  I'm just ready to expand to something a little more my own.


Some come check me out here -